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Thick Temptations (Thick Women In Play, #1)

  Thick Temptations

  Thick Women In Play, Volume 1

  by Lucille Mars

  Published by Ero Racial, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. May 23, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Lucille Mars.

  Written by Lucille Mars.

  Table of Contents

  Two is always better than one

  The Pussy Admirer


  Two is always better than one

  Winona was having the most erotic dream in her life. Just as the enticing Adam Levine was kissing all over body, making her beg, making her scream- the phone rang. "Who the hell can this be?" She said, cursing as she answered the phone.

  "Hello?" Winona seethed out. "Hey girl!" Fuck. Only Lulu, her best friend would think of calling her at- eleven o'clock at night."Yes Lulu what is it this time?" She heard LuLu pop her lips on the other line.

  "There is this new club called Tempt that I want to take you to," Winona groaned as soon as she heard her friend. If she refused her friend, she would put out the fact she hasn't had a boyfriend since middle school. Now she's twenty-one, gained a lot of weight, in college and single.

  Winona was pushing on a size 18, and she'd have to say she was fine with her body. She was very curvaceous, and she did not care. If a man didn't not only love her but her body also, then he wasn't the one for her.

  Winona sighed and turn her attention back to Lulu. "Sure, why not? She asked her, getting ready. She could feel her friend smile on the other line. "Cool!" Lu squealed, adding that she'd be there in thirty minutes. She quickly took a shower and washed her hair.

  Winona dried her wavy shoulder length hair, parting it in the middle. She straighten her locks then got down to her makeup. She put light make up; just mascara, grey eye shadow and foundation. The make up looked radiant on her ebony skin.

  She slipped on her silky black tank top and dark Levi jeans.

  When She was putting on some black pumps, she heard the doorbell ring. 'Damn that must be Lulu,' Winona thought grabbing her purse, and trudging downstairs. When she opened the door, she saw Lu in all her stick thin glory. She was wearing a red form fitting dress, red bottom heels, and a leather jacket.

  "Win, you look fine girl," She nodded her head in approval. "Let's go Mami," They to the car and drove off to the club.

  When they were at the club, Winona walked up to a line at the opening doors. 'There is no was we can get in here,' She thought frowning, Lu saw this and quickly assured her friend. "We're fine; I know the owners." Of course she did. Lulu Estance knew everyone in their small city of New Bern, North Carolina. She had some serious connections.

  "There's them now. Aime! Rene!" She called this out the direction of the door. Out appeared the most gorgeous twins Win ever set her eyes on. They both had medium-length, curly dark brown, one had his in a ponytail that she was itching to take out.

  Their brown eyes shined despite the darkness and were almond shaped. They were both in all black suits, it looked wonderful against their tanned skin. "Lulu wonderful to see you again," They said in unison, with a heavy French accent rolling off their tongues.

  "Aime," She first hugged the one with the ponytail, "Rene," Then the second one.

  "This is my best friend Winona, Winona these are some of my business partners, Aime and Rene." Their eyes shifted to her and they smiled. Amie, the ponytailed one, whispered something to his brother, then Rene nodded like he was agreeing on something."Elle est une sinueuse est-elle pas?" Winona heard him say and his brother replied. "J'aimerais sentir que le corps de la sienne. Elle est d'une rare beauté," Amie nodded, licked his lips, and turned to me.

  They stared at her, both each took a hand and kissed it. "Nice to meet you tentatrice ébène," Winona had one eyebrow raised in curiosity. She let that go and focused on the men in front of her. The we're beyond the definition of gorgeous, handsome, divine or any of those words. They were Greek gods and she was the ordinary mortal their attention was fixated on.

  The brothers led Lulu and Winona to the beginning of the line, and eventually in the club. In the club looked much bigger on the inside than on the outside. Lulu must have spotted the bar because she dragged her there.

  "It was nice meeting you guys!" Winona had tried to yell over the bass pumping music in club. She had expected the twins to look away and go about their business but they did not. They stared at her with intent and need, occasionally whispering to each other.

  "Bartender could I get two screwdrivers on the rocks?" Lulu asked the heavily tattooed bartender, and turned to her curvy friend. "Winona," She started smiling, "I think the twins like you. They have never warmed to a person that fast, hell it took me four months to get closer to them. And from the look on all of you guys' faces, I'm guessing it's love at first sight," Lulu said that with a dreamy look her eyes.

  Winona tried to act nonchalant by shrugging and drinking her beverage. When in truth she wanted to jump both of the brothers and have a steamy ménage. But it will most likely never happen. They both probably have beautiful, successful girlfriends.

  By the time she had four more drinks, Winona was piss drunk and Lulu left her at the club to explore with a group of men. Through her haziness she felt hands on her shoulder. It was Amie and Rene.

  Their eyes were clouded with lust as they advance towards the drunk female. The brothers bantered unspoken words to each other, then one of them picked her Up, while the other had called a cab. "We are taking her home, no?" Amie asked his brother. "Yes we will,"

  The twins laid down their temptress, easily slipping off her clothes. Amie took this chance to view her beautiful dark nipples. He caressed her large breast, and sucked her aureola which her to moan with great want.

  While his brother was enjoying their woman's exceptional breasts, Rene gently rubbed her core, he could see she was sensitive around her clit. It caused she to shake and shudder as he stroked with his fingers. "Oh god yes!" Winona groaned as his fingers did work. "Amie she's wonderful," Rene remarked to his brother as he entered their woman with two finger pumping back and forth.

  "She's more than wonderful, Rene." Amie was kneading and massaging her breasts. Winona was aware of what they were doing to her and she wanted it. She was on the verge of screaming in pleasure, she couldn't take it anymore. "Amie, Rene," She called out, out of breath, wet from bliss.

  "I want it NOW!"

  The Twins didn't look a bit frightened at it, they just become more and more aroused. Both brothers shifted her into the position where she was facing each brother on both ends. Rene hastily slipped a condom while Winona took his sex in her mouth. She gagged at first, but slowing took him in with need.

  She greedily took him into her mouth, sucking the tip and stroking the rest. Rene thrusters hard in her and had made her moan. Winona's mouth vibrated around Amie's cock, causing him to curse out in jumbled French; his nails were tangled in her ebony locks.

  His brother slide deeper and deeper hitting her sensitive spots. She moved her thick hips and grinding on his member, catching up with his rhythmic thrusts. Amie slipped his sex from Winona's lips and kissed her gently.

  "Amie! Rene!" She body shuddered as she orgasmed, then went limp. This caused both they brothers were to panicking, thinking they've killed her; then they saw her chest rise up and down. She was sleeping. "Do you want to shower first, Frère?" Rene asked his twin. Amie shook his head and rested his body besides the beautiful sleeping woman on the bed.

  Winona awoke with splitting headache, her body was sore from
head to toe. She was not in her house obviously; it looked too expensive to be hers. She was naked and had dark Hickeys all over her hips and thighs. There were was four arms wrapped around her body. Oh yeah. She slept with twins last night, a thing she had imagined when she first met them.

  As she tried to get up, the arms gripped tighter, and two voices said in unison "You are not going anywhere,". "I need to go, you have a life, I have a life. Let's just forget this happened." Winona's reply angered the twin.

  "What do you think this is? A one night stand? Once we set our sights on something we get it. And we want you." It was Amie who spoke up, Winona bit her lips. "I'm sorry to inform you, but I do not belong to anyone." Rene chuckled at this. She thought she had a choice and say on what was happening.

  "Now Ma chérie, we could have done this the easier way; but since you had to show that attitude of yours, so now, you are going to find out why you belong to us." Rene held Winona as Amie tied her to the headboard. "Now, let's get down the breeding, darling." Winona shuddered, as she was lifted up onto a hard 12 in cock. It entered her with ease.

  Amie slapped her hips and growled "Move your hips," With that she was bouncing on his erection. Winona panted her hips were moving fast. Rene was touching himself while his woman was raptures by his twin.

  It was in all amazement like looking in a mirror; she was panting, crying out with need and want. He came up behind her, leaving love marks on her breasts and neck in the process. She fell limp in their arms. Rene and Amie decided then, that she would their's forever.

  Waking up for second time today after sex, Winona saw it was about six in the evening by the digital clock beside her. She searched some clothes to wear and her cellphone. Letting a sigh of relief, she found a large pair of basketball shorts and white beater.

  Turning on her black iPhone she saw ten missed calls from Lulu, and four from her mother. 'Damn,' She thought, calling Lulu first, not wanting to deal with her mother.

  After two rings she picked, the shrill feminine voice of Lulu asking he where she's been. Winona sighed replying "I'm at a certain pair of brothers house, she was heading into the hallway for a bathroom.

  "What? Did you guys have sex? How was it? Are they big? Did they tell you to leave?" finding a nice, spacious bathroom, she replies "Yes, wonderful, yes actually exceptionally, and to be serious they won't let me leave," She chuckles then looks in they bathroom, finding a large tub.

  Just what she needed. Winona set the phone down, put it on speaker and locked the door. She started to run water when her friend started speaking again. " Damn girl! The pussy was that good? Well I'll leave you to your men. Have a good time. Love you Win." She smiled at this. "I love you too Lulu." With that she hung up.

  After looking around she found a bottle of body wash with a note. 'Ma Chérie, give you body a bit of relaxation, we comeback in a few hours- Rene and Amie" She slightly smiled; they were to kind to someone like her. She poured the body wash in the running water, watching bubbles get bigger as it filled the tub.

  Winona rested herself into the the warm bubbly water and felt really relaxed. Her thoughts moved to the sex her and the twins just hours ago. The way they touched her body, the way they punished her, how they took her both ends.

  She found herself caressing her breast and rubbing her clitoris. Moans escaped her mouth calling the twins names. During her escapade, she heard pounding and the deep voices of the twins asking for entrance.

  Gladly unlocking the door, she saw the twins stripped naked, waiting for her. She pressed her body up against both of them, sharing a deep kiss. "Were you waiting for us,

  Amant?" Winona smiled, then nodded, leading them to the bath. Moment later the where sounds of moans and sound of there bodies slapping together. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" She screamed at Rene, who was inside her, was debating whether or to cum inside her. He looked into her eyes with love and lust, asking for acceptance.

  She answered by kissing him as she orgasam. Amie was kidding her neck and touching her body; he too had reached his limit. "God, Mon Amour,"Amie said breathe less, tracing his lover's lips. Winona excess cum inside her spill out in the bath water. She panting, still recovering her love making when her phone rang.

  As she got up, Amie pulled her back in. "I'll get it," Rene said, getting out the bath, drying his hands, answering the phone. "Hello," Pause, "Rene Michel," Pause, "Her Boyfriend," Rene looked at a bit angry. 'Who the hell is he talking to?' Winona thought a little worried.

  "Who the hell are you to call her that! I don't care about th-" His eyes widened, but had still liked angry. "Winona," He said with a dark voice, "It's your mother," She ha gasped at that, then sighed.

  She got out of the bath, thanked and kissed Rene before the phone before answered it. "Hey," She greeted her with no emotion. "Who was that boy talking shit to me? Probably one of those men you whore out for, isn't he?" Her mother sneered as she said her allegations, she could hear coughing, which meant her boyfriend was there.

  "Listen I don't have to take that from you. At least I have someone who cares I'm still here before they get home! Now you already chose a man over your child, I won't be here to listen to your shit." Winona yelled this and hanged the phone.

  Over the years she's existed she's put up with her mother's insults. But now, she's had enough. She has two men who has taken interest in her; that's one thing she's needed all her life. She knew right then that the twins were going to be with her till the end of time.

  "What's up, Amour? Are you okay?" They asked with concern, seeing her discomfort. "It's the past no need to wrong about it. For now can we go get something to eat and swing by my place for something wear?" They nodded and went to get ready; she put put on the clothes from earlier and headed downstairs.

  The twins were both dressed casually: Rene had on a white button up, black jeans and boots. Amie on the other hand had on a red tank top, camouflage shorts, red Jordan's, and a light blue jean vest.

  Both had tussled their hair, but Rene had his straighten, going a little over his shoulders. "You guys look so fine," Winona said, speaking her thoughts. She caught on lowered her head in embarrassment. She felt hands on face, lifting her chin up.

  "Don't be afraid to say what you think, okay? Your the most beautiful thing my brother and I have seen. So please Amoureux, please do not doubt you beauty," after hearing their pleads, she nodded her head.

  They lead her to the car and they rode off into the night. While in the car, Winona sat in the middle seat, Amie driving, and Rene in the Passenger's seat.

  "Turn a right here," She spoke as they pulled into her drive way. She waited for the twins to get out of the first, then got the spare key under the mat. She unlocked the door, opened it while the twins followed as he walked in.

  " Wait here while I get dressed. Okay?" They nodded, she disappeared down the hallway to her room.

  She took off the clothes from earlier, and slipped into a silk black knee-length dress. She slipped on jean jacket, and put on my black sandals. Once she brushed my hair, she was ready. She walked out her room, going back to them.

  Rene and Amie looked at her and smiled. "You look wonderful, notre beauté exotique." Rene cooed kissing her forehead. Amie did the same, running his hands through her hair. And with that they headed to dinner.

  Winona and the twins arrive at the Beartown Bistro after about ten minutes of driving. She both hands attached to Rene and Amie's, only breaking way to open the door. They were approached be a waitress as soon as they can in.

  "Hello, welcome to Beartown Bistro and Bakery. A table or booth for you two gentleman?" Rene and Amie frowned at this. This man was being open with flirting with them and ignored the beautiful woman they were with. "Well the THREE of us will sitting a table," Rene said kissing Winona on the cheek.

  The waitress had huffed and led them to their table. Both of the twins pulled out the chair for Winona to sit on, she smiled and sat down. "So what do you all want to drink," Winona wondered whether or no
t to drink wine or get some water. "I'll get a Wa-" Amir interjected "We'll have two bottles of red wine." The waitress winked at Rene and sauntered off.

  "Why two bottles Amie?" She asked him, waiting later to get him for interrupting her. "One for now and one for later, bébé." He had answered chuckling lightly. A few minutes after a waiter came hand took their orders.

  "So what are you all in the mood for?" She thought for second looking over the minute. "Can I please get the Chicken Parmesan Special?" The waiter nodded, turning to twins.

  "And for you fine gentlemen?" Amie and Rene whispered to each other before ordering. "We'll have Chicken Alfredo." The Waiter nodded, winking at Winona before saying to her quickly; "You are a lucky girl, Miss," She realized after a few seconds he meant about the twins.

  She could say she was lucky. She had thought love would never find her. The only thing floating around her mind was on thing: Why were they attracted to her anyways? "Amie, Rene," Win had started looking at sitting beside her. " What do you see in me that you like?" Both twins looked at her and smiled warmly.

  "Amour, There's a million things we could say we love about you. For us it was at first sight. It was Amie who fell first, and us being twins, it was not long before I fell too. I know it might be far fetched that twins could fall for and feel for the same girl; but if you give us a chance, we promise to treat you like the beautiful woman you are."

  The twin looked at her pleading along with his identical brother. She bit her lips and nodded but had a slight frown led as she added "Plus you know if you break my heart Lulu with hang you by your balls," The twins laughed at this, even though the curvaceous woman in front of them was serious.

  "Bien, bien Darling," Rene said quieting his laughter, peering at the waiter coming towards their table with enormous plates of food. "Let's enjoy our meal before the night ends."

  Winona nodded diving into her food. It felt like the best food she has ever eaten. She accidentally let a small moan which the twins had heard and they weren't too pleased. "The only one who should make you moan like sweetheart," Amie happened to whispered before eating.